Hello, my name is Charlotte Nutting.
I am a PhD research student and a registered Learning Disability Nurse and Social Worker.
I am sharing information about a new research project.
The research is about: What Radiotherapy is like for people with Learning Disabilities who have cancer, and the family members, paid carers and professionals who support them.
‘Radiotherapy’ is a treatment that is used to treat cancer. It uses strong x-rays to kill cancer cells.
I am recruiting people in England to interviews for this research project.
I would like to interview people with Learning Disabilities who have or have had cancer to find out about:
- how they were involved in making decisions about Radiotherapy.
- their experiences of Radiotherapy.
- how they were supported after Radiotherapy.
I would also like to interview paid carers, family members and professionals to find out about: their experiences supporting people who have Learning Disabilities and cancer with Radiotherapy.
To find out more: you can look at the easy read poster and information sheet in this post.
You can also:
-look at the study webpages https://tinyurl.com/IDandRadio
-watch a short video about the project: https://tinyurl.com/RTLDstudy
Please call me (0114 2255989) or email me (c.nutting@shu.ac.uk) if you have any questions and/or would like to find out more.
Thank you for reading this post.
Kind regards, Charlotte Nutting.
PhD Research Student, Sheffield Hallam University (UK) and La Trobe University (Australia).
Easy read poster to support recruitment V1.1 IRAS 324949 280923.docx (99.8 KB)
Information Sheet for Interviews people with Learning Disabilities V1.1 241023 IRAS ID 324949 - Copy.docx (1.3 MB)
Participant Information Sheet healthcare and medical professionals V1.1 241023 IRAS ID 324949.docx (130.9 KB)
Participant Information Sheets for people who have a Learning Disability, family members, paid carers and professionals are also available on the study webpages.