Webinar on avoidable mortality in children and young people with learning disabilities in Scotland

You are invited to attend a webinar on avoidable mortality in children and young people with learning disabilities in Scotland
When: Thursday 1st December – 13:00 – 14:00

Where: On Zoom

A study published in September 2022 by the Scottish Learning Disabilities Observatory found that children and young people with learning disabilities were 11 times more likely to die in childhood than those without learning disabilities. A significant portion of these deaths were found to be from conditions that are either avoidable, treatable or preventable. The aim of this webinar is to draw attention to the conditions which are most likely to lead to premature deaths and to provide a forum to discuss and identify where action should be focused to address premature mortality.

Dr Laura Hughes-McCormack, lead author on the study, will present the study findings and Jenny Miller, Chief Executive of PAMIS (Promoting a more inclusive society) will discuss what they mean for children with learning disabilities and their families. This will be followed by a chaired Q&A session.

This event is for: anyone working in the field of learning/intellectual disabilities and health inequalities. The webinar is open to health professionals, researchers, medical/nursing students, third sector professionals, advocacy groups, families, carers and self-advocates.

Please let us know in advance if you would like a copy of the research material in an accessible format.

Register via Eventbrite https://bit.ly/3ePsLzV

Please feel free to share with your colleagues and networks. If you have any questions about this event or any of our work, please get in touch.

Best wishes,

Fiona Barlow (she/her)

Impact and Communications Officer

Scottish Learning Disabilities Observatory (SLDO)



My working pattern is Monday-Thursday.

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