RRN Psychological Restraint Webinar (Thursday, July 13, 2023 at 2pm)

The Restraint Reduction Network are delighted to announce a webinar facilitated between Sheffield Health and Social Care and the Restraint Reduction Network to launch our Psychological Restraint Resources.

This webinar will explore the concept of psychological restraint in mental health and learning disability inpatient settings.

The webinar will share tools and give opportunity to understand how this work can support practitioners in their everyday practice by including the tools in training (such as required training aligned to the Mental Health (Use of Force) Act). The project intends to provoke thoughtful conversation which encourages reflection and debate. An accompanying guide on the human rights implications will also be available following the launch.

All the tools and videos have been coproduced with people who use services, their families and significant others. Staff have participated from Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Trust.

You can register for the webinar here:

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