Request for Voices of those with Lived Experience

The voice of those with lived experience has always been so important to the British Society of Lifestyle Medicine (BSLM) and we’re so excited to now be in a position to ensure these voices are heard even louder, and more prominent in our offerings as we continue to grow and develop.

Our goal is to create a working group of those living with chronic illness and managing, or even reversing using lifestyle change. We’d love to and have perspectives from all areas of our communities, especially those most at risk of experiencing health inequalities. We would like to share those perspectives with our health professional members, ensuring that you can directly contribute to future content, events and structures, and work with you to remove barriers to everyone have access to lifestyle medicine education.

If you are interested in joining this workstream, please get in touch. Initially we will create a series of online meetings to guide the campaign. This is purely voluntary, but we’d love you to participate. Should you wish to just send some feedback, please feel free to do so to