Reasonable Adjustments in the Management of Type 2 Diabetes in Adults with Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities

International Consensus Guidelines: Reasonable Adjustments in the Management of Type 2 Diabetes in Adults with Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities have been published by the International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities (IASSIDD)'s Health Specialist Interest Group.

They can be downloaded from here.

The authors describe the intended audience as follows:

This document is not a clinical guideline nor a definitive guide to managing Type 2 Diabetes in adults with an intellectual and developmental disability. Rather, it is intended to inform primary healthcare professionals (e.g. general practitioners, nurses, podiatrists, opticians, dietitians), hospital and specialist teams, and service providers who work directly with this. Family carers could also use the information contained within this resource to better support a person with an intellectual or developmental disability to manage their diabetes.

This document draws together the current international guidelines and evidence-based knowledge from the general population, the intellectual and developmental disability population, clinical practice, and health education into a single source, focusing upon the reasonable adjustments that can be made to support this population.

These guidelines are intended for an international audience and are positioned to inform how reasonable adjustments can be made to improve care. We hope it will be useful
for clinical teams in community, primary and secondary healthcare, and also intellectual and developmental disability service providers in their discussions with funders, commissioners and diabetes services in the different jurisdictions.

Throughout this consensus guideline, we provide a list of current online resources.