NHS Signs of a heart attack - easy read - UPDATED Nov 2023

An updated easy read poster/flyer raising awareness of the early symptoms of a heart attack and encouraging anyone experiencing these symptoms to call 999.

Don’t ignore the signs of a heart attack

If you have any signs of a heart attack you must call 999 as soon as they start.

Signs of a heart attack could be:

  • a tightness across the chest
  • a feeling that something is not quite right

If you are worried about any signs of a heart attack, call 999 quickly and tell the operator.

Find out more at Heart attack - NHS
231111_HeartAttack_EasyRead-Poster-Accessible.pdf (370.9 KB)

Other resources are available at campaignresources.phe.gov.uk

Help Us Help You - Call 999

Produced and updated by NHS England November 2023.