Mammography, screening and consent

Hi. I am working in South Africa in a home for ppl with intellectual and other disabilities. Our residents are predominantly 50+ yrs old (we are slowly moving towards geriatrics). We would like our female residents to go for mammography/screening (the procedure in state clinics/hospitals is done bi-annually). I was tasked to explain the procedure to the eligible female residents. Has anyone ever done a project or developed any resources (that you are willing to share) like this for females who have profound to moderate ID and/or fairly limited understanding (or communication ability)? I would like the ladies to make an informed decision (and ideally give consent) whether they would like to go for the screening/mammography or not. None of our residents have been legally diminished of capacity to consent and, most of their lives, medical decisions have been made for them by either the professionals or parents/family members. Any ideas/resources/support are welcome. If you require further information or there are points in this post that you are unclear about, do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you. Zuzana

Hi Zuzana
Lovely to hear from you. Some useful links below - hope this is helpful


Look at this website. It has a large number of photo, video and easy read information to support you to simplify the information and make it easier to understand

Also consider arranging for clients to visit prior to appointment and familiarise with equipment and setting.
It is important to consider that no matter how much you simplify, some people will be unable to understand the concepts you’re trying to communicate and it is your duty of care to consider if you need to make a best interests decision on their behalf
Good luck

Hi. We used pictures we took with a camera and visits to the unit with our ladies. The Friendly resource centre and breast screening service here in the UK have some good pictures.