The South Regional Health Education England Intellectual Disabilities programme has commissioned the National Development Team for Inclusion (NDTi) to find and share best practice in training people who work in NHS Trusts to support people with learning disabilities.
We have developed two short online surveys. One is to be completed by a member of the Trust training department or the learning disability lead for the Trust and the second can be completed by any member of Trust staff. We would be very grateful if these can be shared with staff in your Trust.
The findings will inform recommendations which could help NHS Trusts to strengthen their training programmes to ensure they are more effective and that they are meeting the required standards as laid out in the recent government announcement to make learning disability training mandatory for NHS and social care providers by April 2021.
A letter from Health Education England with more detail about the work is available here.
If anyone can share this with people they know who may be eligible to complete the surveys or via any relevant networks we would be very grateful.