Health Prevention - Flu Vaccine & Cervical Screening

We are a group of Strategic Health Facilitators in Hampshire and are keen to hear from others about what other areas have done to promote and increase the uptake of the seasonal flu vaccination. We have had a mixed uptake in Hampshire and it would be interesting to see what other areas/counties have achieved, including barriers too. Do individual GP surgeries invite everyone with Learning Disabilities and follow up people with Learning Disabilities that haven’t had their flu vaccine.

The other area we are keen to see how other counties are performing on is cervical screening. Does anyone have research/data on which woman with Learning Disabilities in your areas have had their cervical screen e.g. level of LD, accommodation they live in, age groups. What strategies have you tried to increase uptake. Do you have any case studies on this screening that you would be happy to share with me (anonymised).

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Our area is Merseyside. My son lives in a single person apartment within a small supported living environment and along with the other 9 people he has a health action plan, a hospital passport and has an annual health check which includes reminders for flu vaccines which each persons support staff follows up. The care provider has been very proactive in setting up appointments for weight checks, eye, urine and blood tests and regular chiropodist appointments for everyone. It has been working well for several years.

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Hi. We ran a flu vaccination webinar last year where an example of a project in Camden was presented. I’d be happy to send you the information if you email me There are case studies about screening in our series of reasonable adjustment guides, available here There is one specifically about cancer screening.